[Math] If all Sylow subgroups are normal then the group is solvable


Show: all $p$-Sylowgroups are normal subgroups $\implies$ group $G$ is solvable.

I know that all subgroups of the different $p$-Sylowgroups are solvable, but do not know if this helps.

Other idea is to show that all $p$-Sylowgroups are solvable and that the factor groups are solvable as well, then it follows, that $G$ is solvable. But I don't know why $p$-Sylowgroups should be solvable..

Best Answer

Here's a hint:

If two subgroups $H$ and $K$ are normal and intersect precisely in $\{e\}$, then $HK = KH = H \times K$. What is the intersection of a Sylow $p$-subgroup and a Sylow $q$-subgroup for different $p$ and $q$?

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