[Math] If $ad−bc \neq 0$, then the following matrix must have rank $2$. (True/False)

determinantlinear algebramatricesmatrix-rank

The matrix $A$ is:

Just started an intro to linear algebra
a class, and I understand what rank means, but I'm not sure how to work with letters.

I do know how to manipulate the matrix into reduced row-echelon form, and can get:

I do realize this is of rank $2$. Is simply doing $\operatorname{rref}(A)$ enough to solve this? I'm just a little unsure because I know I can say that $A$ can have rank $2$, but must it?

Best Answer

Hint: If $a$ is non-zero, then the first step of row reduction yields $$ \pmatrix{ a&b\\c&d } \to \pmatrix{a &b\\0& d - \frac {bc}a} $$ We will end up with two pivots iff $d - \frac {bc}a \neq 0$.

If $a$ is zero, then show that we end up with two pivots if (and only if) both $b$ and $c$ are non-zero.