[Math] If $A,B$ are Hermitian and $[ A, B ] = iC$, how to prove that $C$ is also Hermitian

complex numberslinear algebramatrices

I started by taking the conjugate transpose of both sides and end up with:

$$(AB – BA)^t = (AB)^t – (BA)^t = A^t B^t – B^t A^t = – ([B,A])^t$$

and this equals $$-iC^t$$ where I'm using $\ {}^t \ $ to symbolize conjugate transpose.

Is this accurate? From here, I'm not really sure where to go to prove $C$ is hermitian.

I am in an introductory Quantum class and a lot of this math is going over my head (I've never really dealt with matrices until now), so detailed explanations would be very helpful. Thanks!

Best Answer

I assume that $A$ and $B$ are hermitian:

$A^\dagger = A, \tag 1$

$B^\dagger = B; \tag 2$


$[A, B]^\dagger = (AB - BA)^\dagger = (AB)^\dagger - (BA)^\dagger$ $= B^\dagger A^\dagger - A^\dagger B^\dagger = BA - AB = -[A, B]; \tag 3$

that is, $[A, B]$ is skew-hermitian; thus if we set

$iC^\dagger = -[A, B]^\dagger = [A, B], \tag 4$

then $iC^\dagger$ is also skew. We now observe that an operator $D$ is skew if and only if $iD$ is hermitian, since

$D^\dagger = - D \Longrightarrow (iD)^\dagger =-iD^\dagger = iD, \tag 5$


$(iD)^\dagger = iD \Longrightarrow -iD^\dagger = iD \Longrightarrow D^\dagger = -D; \tag 6$

in the light of (5)-(6) we conclude that $C^\dagger$ is hermitian, since

$i(iC^\dagger) = -C^\dagger, \tag 7$

and $-C^\dagger$ is hermitian if and only if the same holds for $C^\dagger$, and hence for $C$ since

$C = (C^\dagger)^\dagger = C^\dagger. \tag 8$