[Math] If a two variable smooth function has two global minima, will it necessarily have a third critical point


Assume that $f:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ a $C^{\infty}$ function that has exactly two minimum global points. Is it true that $f$ has always another critical point?

A standard visualization trick is to imagine a terrain of height $f(x,y)$ at the point $(x,y)$, and then imagine an endless rain pouring with water level rising steadily on the entire plane.

  • Because there are only two global minima, they must both be isolated local minima also. Therefore, initially the water will collect into two small lakes around the minima.
  • Those two points are connected by a compact line segment $K$. As a continuous function, $f$ attains a maximum value $M$ on the set $K$. This means that when the water level has reached $M$, the two lakes will have been merged.
  • The set $S$ of water levels $z$ such that two lakes are connected is thus non-empty and bounded from below. Therefore it has an infimum $m$.
  • It is natural to think that at water height $m$ there should be a critical point. A saddle point is easy to visualize. For example the function (originally suggested in a deleted answer) $f(x,y)=x^2+y^2(1-y)^2$ has a saddle point at the midway point between the two local minima at $(0,0)$ and $(0,1)$. But, can we prove that one always exists?


  • Does the answer change, if we replace $\Bbb{R}^2$ with a compact domain? What if $f$ is a $C^\infty$ function on a torus ($S^1\times S^1$) or the surface of a sphere ($S^2$). Ok, on a compact domain the function will have a maximum, but if we assume only isolated critical points, what else is implied by the presence of two global minima?
  • Similarly, what if we have local minima instead of global?
  • If it makes a difference you are also welcome to introduce an extra condition (like when the domain is not compact you could still assume the derivatives to be bounded – not sure that would be at all relevant, but who knows).

Best Answer

With respect to the first part of your question: No, a function with two global minima does not necessarily have an additional critical point. A counterexample is $$ f(x, y) = (x^2-1)^2 + (e^y - x^2)^2 \, . $$ $f$ is non-negative, with global minima at $(1, 0)$ and $(-1, 0)$.

If the gradient $$ \nabla f(x, y) = \bigl( 4x(x^2-1) - 4x(e^y - x^2) \, , \, 2e^y(e^y-x^2) \bigr) $$ is zero then $e^y =x^2$ and $x(x^2-1) = 0$. $x= 0 $ is not possible, so that the gradient is zero only if $x=\pm1$ and $y=0$, that is only at the global minima.

The construction is inspired by Does $f$ have a critical point if $f(x, y) \to +\infty$ on all horizontal lines and $f(x, y) \to -\infty$ on all vertical lines?. We have $f(x, y) = g(\phi(x, y))$ where:

  • $g(u, v) = (u^2-1)^2 + v^2$ has two global minima, but also an additional critical point at $(0, 0)$, and
  • $ \phi(x, y) = ( x , e^y-x^2)$ is a diffeomorphism from the plane onto the set $\{ (u, v) \mid v > -u^2 \}$. The image is chosen such that it contains the minima of the function $g$, but not its critical point.

With respect to the “connected lakes” approach: The level sets $$ L(z) = \{ (x, y) \mid f(x, y) \le z \} $$ connect the minima $(-1, 0)$ and $(1, 0)$ exactly if $z > 1$. The infimum of such levels is therefore $m=1$, but $L(1)$ does not connect the minima (it does not contain the y-axis). Therefore this approach does not lead to a candidate for a critical point.

enter image description here

The above approach can also be used to construct a counterexample with bounded derivatives. Set $f(x, y) = g(\phi(x, y))$ with

  • $g(u, v) = \frac{(u^2-1)^2}{1+u^4} + \frac{v^2}{1+v^2}$, which has two global minima at $(\pm 1, 0)$, one critical point at $(0, 0)$, and bounded derivatives.
  • $\phi(x, y) = (x, \log(1+e^y) +1 -\sqrt{1+x^2} )$, which is a diffeomorphism from $\Bbb R^2$ with bounded derivatives onto the set $\{ (u, v) \mid v > 1- \sqrt{1+v^2} \}$, which contains the points $(\pm 1, 0)$ but not the point $(0, 0)$.