[Math] If a line bundle admits a non-vanishing section then it is trivial


Suppose $\pi:E\to B$ is a line bundle. Let $s:B\to E$ a non-vanishing section, i.e. for every $b\in B$ $s(b)\ne 0$ and $\pi\circ s=Id_B$.

I have to prove that the line bundle above is trivial.

Idea: Since $s$ is a section, for every $b\in B$, $0\ne E_b:=\pi^{-1}(b)=s(b)\cong\mathbb{R}$. I want to define an isomorphism between $E$ and $B\times\mathbb{R}$. Define
F:B\times \mathbb{R}\to E\\
(b,\lambda)\mapsto \lambda s(b)
How can I go on?

Best Answer

First of all, $\pi^{-1}(b) \neq s(b)$; $\pi^{-1}(b) \cong \mathbb{R}$ while $s(b) \in \mathbb{R}$.

You have defined a vector bundle homomorphism $F : B\times\mathbb{R} \to E$. Now you just have to show that it is in fact an isomorphism, i.e. that the map $F_b : \{b\}\times\mathbb{R} \to E_{b}$ is an isomorphism of vector spaces. The map $F_b$ is given by $(b, \lambda) \mapsto \lambda s(b)$. Is this linear map injective? That is, if $\lambda s(b) = 0$, is $\lambda$ necessarily zero?

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