[Math] If $A$ is a symmetric matrix in $\mathbb{R}$, why is $PAP^t$ diagonal

linear algebra

In Linear Algebra Why is following correct:

Given a symmetric matrix $A$ on the field of the real numbers, why is that true that there exists an unitary matrix $P$ such that $PAP^t$ is a diagonal matrix?

I know that from the Spectral Theorem there exists a unitary matrix $P$ such that $PAP^{-1}$ is diagonal. However how can I conclude that $PAP^t$ is diagonal as well?

Thank you

Best Answer

It seems to me that this problem comes down to getting the definitions straight. So here they are:

Symmetric matrix: a matrix $A$ is called symmetric when $A=A^T$. If $A$ is a matrix of real entries, then we can say that $A$ is an instance of a "Hermitian" matrix

Hermitian matirix a matrix $A$ is Hermitian when $A=A^*$, that is, $A$ is equal to its own conjugate transpose.

Depending on the context, real symmetric matrices and complex Hermitian matrices might be referred to as self-adjoint.

Orthogonal matrix: a matrix $U$ is called orthogonal when $UU^T=1$. If $U$ is a matrix of real entries, then we can say that $U$ is an instance of a "unitary" matrix

Unitary matrix a matrix $U$ is called unitary when $UU^*=1$. That is, the inverse of $U$ is its conjugate transpose.

The spectral theorem could then be understood as follows:

Suppose that $A$ is any normal matrix (that is, $AA^*=A^*A$). We can then find a matrix $P$ such that $PAP^*$ is diagonal.

If $A$ happens to be a real and symmetric matrix, then we can find a $P$ that is not only unitary, but also itself real. That is, there is a real matrix $P$ such that $PAP^*$ is diagonal. Since $P$ is real, this is the same as saying $PAP^T$ is diagonal.