[Math] Identity tensor as a tensor product of two vectors


Any second order tensor in a given basis can be expressed as a matrix. Also, as any second order tensor can be expressed a tensor product of two first order tensors (or vectors), I would like to find $u$ and $v$ that satisfy:
$$u \otimes v = \left[ { \begin{array}{ccc}
1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{array}} \right] $$

Best Answer

We have a correspondence

$$\begin{pmatrix}\color{Magenta}{a} \\ \color{Magenta}{b} \\ \color{Magenta}{c}\end{pmatrix} \otimes \begin{pmatrix}\color{Blue}{x} & \color{Blue}{y} & \color{Blue}{z}\end{pmatrix} \quad\longleftrightarrow\quad\begin{pmatrix} \color{Magenta}{a} \color{Blue}{x} & \color{Magenta}{a} \color{Blue}{y} & \color{Magenta}{a} \color{Blue}{z} \\ \color{Magenta}{b} \color{Blue}{x} & \color{Magenta}{b} \color{Blue}{y} & \color{Magenta}{b} \color{Blue}{z} \\ \color{Magenta}{c} \color{Blue}{x} & \color{Magenta}{c} \color{Blue}{y} & \color{Magenta}{c} \color{Blue}{z} \end{pmatrix} $$

As you can see, each column is a multiple of the pink column vector (by $x$, $y$ and $x$ respectively) and each row is a multiple of the blue row vector (by $a$, $b$ and $c$ respectively). As the columns and rows of the matrix are linearly dependent the matrix is always singular.

If $U$ and $V$ are two vector spaces, $U\otimes V$ does contain elements of the form $u\otimes v$ but these elements (pure tensors) are not closed under addition; there are sums of pure tensors that cannot be "factorized" into the form of a single pure tensor. The space $U\otimes V$ is the span of pure tensors.

If ${\cal B}_U$ and ${\cal B}_V$ are bases of $U$ and $V$ respectively then the pure tensors $u\otimes v$ ($u\in U, v\in V$) form a basis for $U\otimes V$. In particular $e_i\otimes e_j$ corresponds to what matrices? Now try to write the identity $3\times3$ matrix as a linear combination of them.