[Math] Identical Obects in Permutation and combination

binomial theorempermutationsprobability

There are $2$ identical white balls , $3$ identical red balls and $4$ green balls of different shades. The number of ways in which the balls can be arranged in a row so that at least one ball is separated from the balls of the same colour.

My Approach : We can find the answer using (Total Arrangements) $-$ (No ball is separated )

By this total number of arrangements are $$\frac{9!}{2!3!4!}$$

No ball is separated is $3!$ as the balls are identical.
But the answer is coming wrong.

Please tell the correct approach.

Best Answer

There is a total of $\tfrac{9!}{2!3!}$ distinct ways to arrange the coloured balls, since the green balls are not identical.   (They are different shades of green !) $$\square\square\;\color{red}{\blacksquare\blacksquare\blacksquare}\;\color{#90EE90}\blacksquare\color{#71BC78}\blacksquare\color{lime}\blacksquare\color{#228B22}\blacksquare$$

To keep balls grouped so that none are separated from another of the same colour, we need to keep the identical whites stuck together as a pair, and the identical reds as a triplet, and the distinct greens must either form two separated pairs or a single group of four.   Count the ways:

  • First arrange the reds to the left or right of the whites, leaving three spaces (before, between, and after) the blocks, where the greens may be placed
  • Then either:
    • Arrange all four greens into a single block and select one of the spaces to place them, or
    • Take one specific shade of green, say $\color{#90EE90}\blacksquare$, and select one other green to arrange them as one pair, and arrange the two remaining greens as a second pair; then select one of three spaces for the first pair, and select one of the two remaining spaces for the second pair.
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