[Math] Idempotent ideals in certain commutative rings


Let $R$ be a commutative ring with zero Jacobson radical such that each maximal ideal of $R$ is idempotent. Does it guarantee that each ideal is idempotent?

I know only that if each maximal ideal is generated by an idempotent element then $R$ turns out to be semisimple Artinian. I think this fact is associated with my question, at least if one could show that any maximal ideal is generated by an idempotent element.
Thanks for any suggestion!

Best Answer

In a commutative ring $R$ every ideal is idempotent (iff every ideal is radical) iff $R$ is VNR.

Then the question asks if a commutative ring $R$ with $J(R)=0$ and $\mathfrak m^2=\mathfrak m$ for every maximal ideal $\mathfrak m$ is VNR.

The answer is negative: the ring of continuous functions $R=\mathcal C[0,1]$ satisfies both conditions and it's not VNR.

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