Abstract Algebra – Ideals of a Polynomial Ring in Infinitely Many Variables


I'm doing this exercise in the Dummit and Foote textbook and got no clue for it. Hope some one can help me solve this. Thanks

Prove that a polynomial ring in a infinitely many variables with coefficients in any commutative ring contains ideals that are not finitely generated.

Best Answer

Hint: Consider the ideal $I=\langle x_1,x_2,x_3... \rangle$.

Following what anon said. You can apply the same trick one below to prove what annon is asking you.

Alternate: Let us prove that $R'=R[x_1,...]$ is not noetherian. Take the chain $(x_1)\subset (x_1,x_2)\subset\cdots$. If this stabilizes, then for some $n$ we have $(x_1,...,x_n)=(x_1,..,x_{n+1})$. Then $x_{n+1}=h_1x_1+\cdots+h_nx_n=f$. Evaluate $f$ at the point that is $0$ in every coordinate except $n+1$, here say it is $1$. Then you get $1=0$. A contradiction.

Remember that a different characterization of Noetherian is that every ideal is finitely generated. Then by above since it is not noetherian, we have that there must be an ideal that is not finitely generated.

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