[Math] I don’t understand math syntax/symbols, where do I go to learn


I'm reading papers on different compression algorithms, with the hope that I can create en/de coders for them, but I never know what half of the symbols or syntax means.

For example, the other day I saw a formula with a curly lowercase f(x), and just a minute ago I was reading something that said D(x) = ([x/2],mod(x,2)) and the X's are strange curly variants I've never seen before:

$$\Large D(x)=(\lfloor x/2\rfloor,\operatorname{mod}(x,2))$$

(original image)

To make my ignorance even clearer, I want to learn things like what D(x) means.

TL;DR I don't have a background in math beyond early college, and have no clue what this complicated stuff means. Where do I go to learn these basics, but without having to spend too much time?

Edit: Thanks dude, but I'm trying to learn how to fish, not be given fish. Where do I learn these things in general? is there a site with a list of all this stuff?

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