[Math] I am stuck up with this simple problem related to averages.Please help me out in explaining the complete solution to this problem


I am stuck up with this simple problem related to averages. Please help me out in explaining the complete solution to this problem.

Consider a class of $40$ students whose average weight is $40\ \mathrm{kg}$. $m$ new students join this class whose average weight is $n\ \mathrm{kg}$. If it is known that $m + n = 50$, what is the maximum possible average weight of the class now?

Best Answer

After the join, the new sum is

\begin{align*} &(40)(40) + mn\\[6pt] =\; &1600 + mn\\[6pt] =\; &1600 + m(50-m) \end{align*}

and the new average is

$$f(m) = \frac{1600 + m(50-m)}{40 + m}$$

We want to maximize $f(m)$, for positive integer values of $m$. Taking the derivative, we get

$$f^{\prime}(m) = \frac{-m^2 - 80m + 400}{\left(m + 40\right)^2}$$

which has two real roots, but only one positive real root, $\,r = -40 + 20\sqrt{5} \approx 4.72$.

From the algebraic form of $f^{\prime}(m)$, it follows that

  • $0 < m < r \implies f^{\prime}(m) > 0$
  • $m > r \implies f^{\prime}(m) < 0$

Since $m$ is required to be a positive integer, and $4 < r < 5$, it follows that the optimal $m$ must be either $4$ or $5$.

Comparing $f(4)$ and $f(5)$, we find

$$f(4) = \frac{446}{11} < f(5) = \frac{365}{9}$$

It follows that the maximum possible new average is

$$f(5) = \frac{365}{9} = 40 + \frac{5}{9} \approx 40.56$$

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