[Math] Hypersurface orientable if it admits a smooth normal vector field


Let $X$ a codimension 1 smooth submanifold of the n-dimensional smooth manifold $Y$. Assume $Y$ is oriented. We want to show that $X$ is orientable if and only if it admits a global smooth normal vector field (in Y).

How can we prove this? I have no idea how to even begin…

Best Answer

Hint: For $p\in X$, let $U_p$, with coordinates $(x_1,...,x_n,t)$, be a slice chart around $p$ (meaning around $p$, $X$ corresponds to points where $t=0$).

Now, given your normal vector field $V$, orient $X\cap U_p$ by declaring the ordered basis $\{\partial_{x_i}\}$ to be positively oriented iff the ordered basis $\{\partial_{x_i}, v\}$ is positively oriented in $Y$.

Conversely, if $X$ is oriented, define $V = \partial_t$.

I'll leave it to you to prove that all this works.

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