[Math] Hyperbolic geometry when the curvature is constant and negative but not -1


Hyperbolic geometry is the geometry of surfaces of a constant negative Gaussian curvature, in most formula's it is almost assumed this constant negative curvature is $ -1$.

But what when the constant negative curvature is $-2$ or $ – \frac{1}{3}$?

For example is the area of a triangle the defect divided or multiplied by the (absolute value of the) Gaussian curvature.

Wikipedia says you have to divide the defect by the curvature.

$(\pi-A-B-C) R^2$, where $R = \frac{1}{\sqrt{-K}}$.

Sommerville "The elements of non euclidean geometry" page 81 gives $k^2 (\pi – A – B – C)$ and I fear that when I reach for another book I will even get another formula.

Who is right and can you give a canonical proof?

Best Answer

The quick way to get the correct answer is dimensional analysis: to get an area from a dimensionless angle defect you need to multiply by something with units length$^2$, so Wikipedia's formula $A = (\pi - \sum\theta)R^2$ is correct.

Sommerville is a very old text and uses $k$ for the negative inverse curvature - see e.g. page 75 where it states "The formulae of hyperbolic trigonometry become of those of euclidean plane geometry as $k \to \infty$."

The proof is going to depend on how you are constructing things - from the Riemannian perspective you just calculate how curvatures and areas behave under multiplication of the metric by a constant: covariant derivatives are unchanged, so Ricci curvature is unchanged, so scalar curvature scales as the inverse metric. Area scales as the metric. Thus area is inversely proportional to curvature under scaling.

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