[Math] How would one prove that the row space and null space are orthogonal compliments of each other

linear algebraorthogonality

It makes intuitive sense to me that the very definition of the null space – all x's that produce the zero vector when multiplied by the rows of a matrix A – would coincide with the conditions for orthogonality (dot product of two vectors = 0). But how would one show that this applies for all combinations of A? I guess i'm trying to wrap my head around a more rigorous way of understanding the notion that the row space is the orthogonal compliment to the null space of a matrix… I hope this makes sense and I am looking forward to hearing some insights!

Best Answer

Note that matrix multiplication can be defined via dot products. In particular, suppose that $A$ has rows $a_1$, $a_2, \dots, a_n$, then for any vector $x = (x_1,\dots,x_n)^T$, we have: $$ Ax = (a_1 \cdot x, a_2 \cdot x, \dots, a_n \cdot x) $$ Now, if $x$ is in the null-space, then $Ax = \vec 0$. So, if $x$ is in the null-space of $A$, then $x$ must be orthogonal to every row of $A$, no matter what "combination of $A$" you've chosen.

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