[Math] How to you normalize two data sets to the same scale

normal distributionstatistics

I have two data sets, one that ranges from 0-200, and another that ranges from ~400-~2500.

I would like to compare the two according to a score from 0-10. I remember about normalizing from a statistics class that I took that in order to normalize you need to find the z-score which depends on the population mean and standard deviation (which I have). But I don't remember what to do with that z-score, or how to normalize both of these data sets down to a 0-10 scale so that they can be scaled down and compared against each other.

Anyone remember how to do this?

Best Answer

The z-score is the standardisation that you should plot. Full-stop. (And you have the correct formula for the z-score.) The z-score might usually range from -3 to +3 and you can then plot both z-score distributions on the same graph. The z-score distributions plot with their centres at z=0. You mention you want to plot on a 0-10 scale. What do you mean by this ?

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