[Math] How to write “$X$ is the set of all positive integers greater than or equal to $10$” with mathematical notations


How to write "$X$ is the set of all positive integers greater than or equal to $10$" with mathematical notations?

I was thinking $X=\{n:n\ge10\in\mathbb Z^+\}$, but I'm not too sure if this is correct. What is the right way of writing this?

I also remember a notation like $\mathbb Z_{\ge10}$ but I'm not sure if that's right either.

Best Answer

\begin{align} X &= \{n : \textrm{$n$ is a positive integer greater than or equal to $10$}\} \tag{1} \\ &= \{n : n \in \mathbb Z^+ \textrm{ and } n \geq 10\} \tag{2} \\ &= \{n \in \mathbb Z^+ : n \geq 10\} \tag{3} \\ &= \{10,11,12,\dots\} \tag{4} \end{align}

$(1):$ Yes, you can use words.
$(2):$ This is the most correct.
$(3):$ The standard notation for the latter.
$(4):$ This is well understood, although it is a bit vague.