[Math] How to write this as a double sum


I'm confused about this notation, can someone please explain how I can write

$2 \sum_{1\leq j < k \leq N} P(F_j F_k)$ as a double sum. Would it be $\sum_{j=1}^k \sum_{k=n}^N P(F_j F_k)$?

Also I am just confused about what a double sum would actually mean, I understand that you would sum over the values twice but can someone please explain more in detail? Thank you

Best Answer

A double sum is a sum of the form $$\sum_{j=a}^b \sum_{k=c(j)}^{d(j)} f(j,k) = \sum_{j=a}^b \left(\sum_{k=c(j)}^{d(j)} f(j,k)\right)$$ I used the notation $c(j),d(j)$ because $c$ and $d$ may very well depend on $j$, but they don't have to.

There are more ways you can approach this.

  1. We want one variable, say $j$, to be independent, and let it independently take all the values it can possibly have that satisfy the condition $1\le j < k \le N$. We will then adjust $k$ so that this condition is actually met.
    Therefore, let $j$ vary across all values that it can possibly have. These are $1\le j \le N-1$, hence the $\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}$ symbol. Then, let $k$ take all values such that the condition $j < k \le N$. A different way to write this inequality is $j+1 \le k \le N$. Hence, your sum is equal to $$2\sum_{j=1}^{N-1} \sum_{k=j+1}^N P(F_jF_k)$$ To expand this sum, first write out all terms of the inner sum, and then add them up according to the outer sum, like $$2\sum_{j=1}^{N-1} (P(F_jF_{j+1})+P(F_jF_{j+2})+...+P(F_jF_N)) =$$ $$= 2[(P(F_1F_2)+P(F_1F_3)+...+P(F_1F_N)) +$$ $$+(P(F_2F_3)+P(F_2F_4)+...+P(F_2F_N))+...+$$ $$+P(F_{N-1}F_N)]$$ Notice that each successive term of the outer sum has less and less terms of the inner sum (the last one has only one term).

  2. Let $k$ vary across all values that it can possibly have. These are $2\le k \le N$. Then, let $j$ take all values such that the condition $1\le j < k$ is met. A different way to write this inequality is $1 \le j \le k-1$. Hence, your sum is equal to $$2\sum_{k=2}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} P(F_jF_k)$$

The difference between these two approaches is which variable you assign "independence" to.

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