Group Theory – How to Write Permutation as Product of Transpositions


I have the following problem

enter image description here

I have asked the question here Writing a Permutation as a product of Disjoint Cycles and got the answer.Now how can i write this same permutation as a product of Transpositions.I know how to express it as a product of disjoint cycles and i know a transposition is a cycle with 2 elements.

Best Answer

If you decompose into cycles first, all you need to do is express each cycle as a product of transpositions. There are various ways to do this, for example $$ (1\,2\,3\,4\,\ldots\,n) = (1\,n)\cdots(1\,4)(1\,3)(1\,2) $$ or $$ (1\,2\,3\,4\,\ldots\,n) = (1\,2)(2\,3)(3\,4)\cdots(n{-}1\;n) $$