[Math] How to visualise positive and negative tangents

tangent linetrigonometryvisualization

A quick internet search of simple trigonometry methods returns a whole bunch of acronyms for remembering whether sin, cos and tan functions yield positive or negative results in the four quadrant of a circle.

I find this rather unsatisfactory, since it makes no attempt to explain what's going on.

To my mind, using a circle and lines (as below), it's fairly easy to see why, as the angle grows, the sine function returns positive results (red line) in the top half, and similarly the cosine (light blue line) goes negative in the left half of the circle and returns to positive as it comes back past 270°.

When I was taught trigonometry it was a complete mystery how the tan function related to the geometric tangent (my teacher told me "it was complicated"), and like everyone else simply memorised acronyms to get by. It now turns out its relationship is not complicated at all and a simple diagram like this goes a long way to explaining the mysteries of trig.

simple trig

However, the part of the puzzle I'm missing regards the + and – of the tangent function. I understand how is the ratio of the geometric tangent (always returning to the x axis) to the 'radius'. (I now notice that the diagram is rather badly drawn in that respect.) What's not clear is why the tan of, say, 120° should be regarded as negative, but 200° a positive.

As with sine and cosine, is there a similarly simple way to visualise why it's negative in the top-left and bottom-right quadrants?

Best Answer

I think the $\tan$ function is typically defined this way for any $\theta$ such that $\cos\theta \neq 0.$ $$ \tan \theta = \frac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta} $$ When $\cos\theta = 0,$ then $\tan\theta$ is undefined.

Defined this way, the "tangent" function is simply the slope of the radius from $(0,0)$ to $(\cos\theta, \sin\theta).$ For points in the first and third quadrants the slope is positive; in the other two quadrants it's negative.

I think this is very simple.

The definition above leaves open a big question, however: if $\tan\theta$ is the slope of a line, why do we call it a "tangent"? That question is what your figure answers.

Note that as long as we're only dealing with the interior angles of right triangles, we only need to be concerned with the first quadrant. The traditional names of trigonometric functions tend to be based on how we can interpret the functions with regard to those angles. Since your figure works perfectly well for all angles in the first quadrant, and since the tangent segment has the length $\tan\theta,$ "tangent" seems an appropriate name. (Actually, I think one usually sees a different figure in which the segment is tangent to the circle at $(1,0)$ and intersects the extended radius at $(1,\tan\theta),$ but the geometry works out the same.)