[Math] How to use Parametric Equations to define the solution of a Linear System in 3 Variables

linear algebra

I am given the following Linear System of Equations:

$$x – y – z = 1$$
$$2x – z = 3$$
$$x – 7y – 4z = -2$$

I am told to show that $(1, 1, -1)$ and $(2, 0, 1)$ are valid solutions to this system which is easily done.

However, I am then asked to find the line that passes through those points and to give the equation of that line using Parametric Equations.

So I understand Parametric Equations, and that the (infinite) solutions of this system is a line where the the planes intersect, and that I'm being asked to convert the Linear System into related Parametric Equations that defines this solution-line. I cannot however, seem to figure out exactly what that needs to look like or how to get there.

Best Answer

The line between the points $$ (1,1,-1) $$ and $$ (2,0,1) $$ is given by $$ r(t)=t(1,1,-1)+(1-t)(2,0,1)=(2-t,t,1-2t) $$ for $0\leq t\leq 1$.

If your question is how to define the line of solutions to a system of $n$ equations in $n$ unknowns with one degree of freedom the standard procedure is to eliminate $n-1$ of the variables and use the final variable as your parameter.