Prime Numbers – How to Turn Any Number into a Prime by Adding Digits

algorithmsprime numbers

How can we turn any number (where the number is > 2) into a prime number by simply appending more digits? I'm referring to the right side of the number.


4 is not a prime number

But If I append 1 or 3 or 7 it can become a prime number

41, 43, 47 are all in fact prime numbers

I "know" this is possible (however I don't have a proof for that) simply because of "density" of prime numbers, so given any number I can simply add many "5" digits and then starting searching prime numbers by adding "1" to the resulting number and test it for primality.

However is there any smarter way to do that without using "bruteforce" (i.e. testing for primality a range of values )

Out of the box solutions are preferred, in example.

if the number is in the form XYZ then XYZ(ZYX+1) is prime.

Best Answer

It is known that there is a positive number $\delta$ strictly less than 1 such that, if $n$ is large enough, then there's a prime between $n$ and $n+n^{\delta}$. [I think the state of the art has $\delta=.535$] If $n$ is large enough, then $n$ and $n+n^{\delta}$ start with the same however-many-digits-you-like. So that proves it's always possible, although it doesn't give you a good way to do it.

It is conjectured that there's always a prime between $n$ and $n+C(\log n)^2$ for some positive constant $C$ [$C=2$ may even do, at least for large $n$], but this is way beyong what anyone currently knows how to prove.