Linear Algebra – How to Transpose Tensors

linear algebramatricestensorstranspose

We transpose a matrix $A$ by replacing $A_{ij}$ with $A_{ji}$, for all $i$ and $j$.

However, in case $A$ has more than two dimensions (that is, it is a tensor), I don't know how to apply the transpose operation.

  1. If A has dimensions $3\times 3 \times 8$, then what will replace $A_{ijk}$?

  2. If $A$ has shape $3\times 3\times 8\times 8$, then what will replace $A_{ijkl}$?

Best Answer

The operation of taking a transpose is closely related to the concept of symmetry. One paper that addresses this is I have been researching $2^m$ dimensional matrices where the indices are zeros and ones. The transpose is found by changing all zeros to ones and ones to zeros.

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