[Math] How to transform skew-symmetric matrix into vector

linear algebra

We can build a skew-symmetric matrix from a vector $v$ using formula
$$S(v) = \begin{pmatrix} v \times i \ \ v \times j \ \ v \times k \end{pmatrix}$$ where $i,j,k$ are vectors of the standard basis.

But how to obtain vector $v$ from its skew-symetric matrix?

Is there any linear formula for that ?

AFTER 2 hours

I think I have found solution:


Thank you for discussion.

AFTER 20 hours

I have one additional question:

could $v$ be calculated with one formula also from $S^2(v)$ ?

AFTER 31 hours

It seems it's hard to obtain straightforward formula.

$v$ can be obtained from $S^2(v)=vv^T-v^TvI$ but by a rather tedious analysis.

Best Answer

Note that $Sv=0$.
In other words $v$ resides in the nullspace of $S\,-$ in fact it's the only vector in the space.
With this insight, we can write a formula in terms of the pseudoinverse and an arbitrary vector $$\eqalign{ b &= (I-S^+S)\,a \cr v &= b \,\frac{\|v\|}{\|b\|}\cr }$$ There is an explicit formula for the pseudoinverse of a $3\times 3$ skew-symmetric matrix $$\eqalign{ S^+ &= \frac{-2S}{\|S\|_F^2}\cr }$$ Also, the length of $v$ is related to the norm of $S$ $$\eqalign{ \|S\|_F^2 &= 2\,\|v\|^2 \implies \|v\| &= \frac{\,\|S\|_F}{{\sqrt 2}} \cr }$$ Assembling all these pieces yields $$\eqalign{ b &= \|S\|_F^2\,a + 2S^2a \cr v &= \pm\,b\,\,\frac{\|S\|_F}{{\sqrt 2}\,\,\|b\|_F} \cr }$$