[Math] How to transform a 3D triangle to xy plane


Suppose I am given a triangle ABC and its corresponding vertex coordinates in 3D. I want to transform ABC in such a way so that vertex A lies on global (0,0,0) coordinate, B lies on (dist, 0, 0) where dist is the distance between A to B before transformation and C lies on the xy plane.

How can I calculate the transformation for the above case? What would be the rotation and the translation component for such transformation?

Best Answer

First, subtract the coordinates of A from those of all three vertices, giving the translation (assuming translation is done before rotation -- they don't commute).

This gives vertices (0,0,0), (bx,by,bz) and (cx,cy,cz) as vertices.

Define the vector

u = (bx,by,bz)

pointing from A to B, and normalise it to the unit vector

U = ( 1 /|u|) u = ( 1 / √( bx^2 + by^2 + bz^2 ) ) (bx,by,bz)

Take the cross product

w = u × (cx,cy,cz),

which is at right angles to the triangle. Normalise it to give the unit vector

W = ( 1 /|w|) w .

Find the cross-product

V = U ×W ,

automatically a unit vector.

In coordinates corresponding to the basis {U, V, W }, the triangle lies as you want. The rotation matrix that carries the usual (1,0,0) to U, the usual (0,1,0) to V, and the usual (,0,0,1) to W has U, V and W as its columns. You want the other direction, so take the inverse — which for a rotation matrix is just the transpose.

This is not "the transformation for the above case", because you did not specify whether C should lie on the y>0 half plane.

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