[Math] How to think of a function as a vector


In order to apply the ideas of vector spaces to functions, the text I have (Wavelets for Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications by Stollnitz, DeRose and Salesin) conveniently says

Since addition and scalar multiplication of functions are well defined, we can then think of each constant function over the interval $[0,1)$ as a vector, and we'll let $V^0$ denote the vector space of all such functions.

Ok, so I've heard this notion before, and it kind of makes sense. You want to apply the rules of vector spaces (and define things like inner product) for functions, so you go and say "a function is a vector."

But how does this mesh with the traditional physics definition of vector? A vector must have a magnitude and direction. What's going on here between algebra and physics?

Best Answer

Mathematics and physics are not really compatible.

In the plane, or the 3D space (and so forth) it is fine to represent a vector space as a magnitude and direction.

However, the formal definition of a vector space requires not the need for either of those in order to represent a vector. In fact, a vector - formally - is just an element of a vector space.

This can go on, not all vector spaces have norms defined on them. Without the axiom of choice, not all have a basis, decomposition into a direct sum, nontrivial functionals, and so on.

Similarly, not all topological spaces are normal, regular, Hausdorff, etc., however we like to think of the physical world as $\mathbb R^3$ which is normal, regular, Hausdorff, etc..

In the finite dimensional case, or assuming the axiom of choice, we have a basis for the space. That is every vector can be written as a linear combination of the elements of the basis. You can think of the vector, if so, as a function from a set into the field.

The set, of course, is the basis; or some other set with the same number of elements. For a vector $v = \sum_{n=1}^k\alpha_n\cdot v_n$ we can think of $v$ as a function from the set $\{1,\ldots,k\}$ into the field: $v(n)=\alpha_n$. Of course, after changing a basis we "change the function", but this is why vector spaces are isomorphic and not the same.

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