How to Express the Trefoil Knot in Polar Coordinates

polar coordinates

From Wikipedia, the parametric equations for a trefoil knot are

x(t) &= \sin t + 2\sin 2t \\
y(t) &= \cos t – 2\cos 2t \\
z(t) &= -\sin 3t.

I am only interested in the $x$ and $y$ dimensions, so $z(t)$ is ignored. When I plot it with Wolfram|Alpha, I get the expected general shape. However, when I try to convert it to polar coordinates, it (seemingly) just doesn't work.

r^2 &= x^2 + y^2 \\
&= (\sin t + 2\sin 2t)^2 + (\cos t + 2\cos 2t)^2 \\
&= (\sin^2 t + 4\sin t \sin 2t + 4\sin^2 2t) + (\cos^2 t – 4\cos t \cos 2t + 4\cos^2 2t) \\
&= 1+4 + 4(\sin t \sin 2t – \cos t \cos 2t) \\
&= 5-4\cos 3t

Yet, when I try to plot $r = \sqrt{5-4\cos 3t}$, I get something completely different. What's the problem? Additionally, how could you express the trefoil knot in polar coordinates?

Best Answer

When you do polar plots you are stuck with parametrizations of the limited form $$x(\varphi)=r(\varphi)\cos \varphi, \quad y(\varphi)=r(\varphi)\sin(\varphi).$$ The parametrization that you gave is not of that form. This is apparent already from the observation that the parametrization gives the full trefoil, when $t\in[0,2\pi]$, but the trefoil wraps around the origin twice, so $\varphi$ should range over $[0,4\pi]$.

Let us look at the Wikipedia parametrization of the trefoil on the surface of a torus: $$ x=(2+\cos3t)\cos2t,\quad y=(2+\cos3t)\sin2t,\quad z=\sin 3t. $$ If we ignore that $z$-coordinate for a moment, we see $(x,y)\uparrow\uparrow(\cos 2t,\sin 2t)$, which is a tell-tale sign that here $\varphi=2t$ is the polar angle coordinate. As $t$ ranges over $[0,2\pi]$, we should, indeed, have $\varphi\in[0,4\pi]$. Thus the projection of that trefoil onto the $xy$-plane comes from the polar equation $$ r=2+\cos\frac{3\varphi}2, $$ as suggested by heropup (+1). The plot is not quite what you may have expected:

enter image description here

Here the additive constant $2$ represents the ratio of the radius of the "wire" inside the torus to that of the "tube" around the wire. IMVHO the projection looks a bit cleaner, if we use ratio $4$ and equation $r=4+\cos\frac{3\varphi}2$ instead:

enter image description here

For a better view here is a 3D-image of how the trefoil wraps itself around the torus.

enter image description here

The trefoil is the thin tube on the surface of the doughnut.