[Math] How to the little l2 topology be finer than the uniform topology


How can the $\ell_2$ topology be finer than the uniform topology on the set $X$ of square-summable sequences?

If the $\ell_2$ metric is always greater than or equal to the uniform metric. Wouldn't this mean that the epsilon balls in $\ell_2$ are always bigger than the epsilon balls under the uniform metric? I'm trying to show that the $\ell_2$ balls are contained inside the uniform balls, right?

Best Answer

It suffices to show that

  1. Every open uniform ball contains an $\ell_2$ ball.
  2. There exists an open uniform ball that is not contained in any $\ell_2$ balls.

By knowing that the $\ell_2$ metric is greater than or equal to the uniform metric, you only prove 1.

To prove 2, suppose $B$ is an open ball of radius $\sqrt{r/2}$ with respect to the uniform metric centered at $0$. $B$ consists of sequences $(x_1, x_2, \ldots)$ such that $\sum_{n=1}^\infty x_n^2 < \infty$ and $|x_n| < r$. It is easy to see that $\sum_{n=1}^\infty x_n^2$ is not bounded even when $x_n$ are all bounded by $r$, so $B$ is not contained in any $\ell_2$ balls. (More rigorously, for any given $L > 0$, there exists an integer $m$ such that $mr/2 > L$. The sequence defined by $x_n = \sqrt{r/2}$ for $n \le m$ and $x_n = 0$ for $n > m$ is a member of $B$, but not a member of an $\ell_2$ ball of radius $L$ because $\sum_{n=1}^\infty x_n^2 = \sum_{n=1}^m (r/2) = mr/2 > L$. Therefore, $B$ is not contained in $\ell_2$ balls of any radii.)