[Math] How to study analytic number theory


Should i study many books at the same time? Or should i go one by one? I started with Apostol's book… But for example if i don't understand a proof, i check another book for a different proof of the same theorem and so on… It's a little distracting to be fair… Is it wrong to study this way?

I'm looking for advices for studying math generally. I'm always taking notes for what i read. Again and again. I'm trying to memorize all the proofs. Is this wrong? It's not like i'm memorizing it without understanding.

Unnecessary question: Should i own a whiteboard for studying math? Is it helpful? 🙂

Best Answer

First of all, it will help if you tell us what mathematical background you have.
For example, if you don't know the basics from elementary number theory then it is not such a good idea to try analytic number theory.
My advice is the following:

If it is not possible to study mathematics and you are self-taught:

1.Post your questions here in mathSE and try to answer other questions on your own(not neccesarily posting them) because it is important to be a part of a mathematical community
Nobody has ever done anything on his own (even Ramanujan communicated with Hardy)

2.Analytic Number Theory is a difficult part of Number Theory.I would advise you to start reading something more "human" first, such as Calculus or Elementary Number Theory.
Closing, I do not have the best opinion for Apostol's book, so don't get stuck there.
Try other books also.(But this just my opinion)