[Math] How to solve this two variable Bernoulli equation ODE

ordinary differential equations

I'm trying to solve this homework question but the two variables is throwing me off. Which one is my standard $t$? How do I handle both variables? I'm to solve this Bernoulli equation via substitution with $v=y^{1-n}$ if $n\ne0, 1$. The textbook references Leibniz found this method to reduce a Bernoulli equation down to a linear equation in 1696.

The actual question is:
y'=\epsilon y-\theta y^3,\space\space\space \epsilon > 0, \space\space\space\theta > 0
and mentions that this equation occurs in the study of the stability of fluid flow.

I get to the point where I have $y'=-\frac{v'y^3}{2}$ and substitute that back in and get:
but I'm not sure how to get an integrating factor from this point. If typically $y'+p(t)y=g(t)y^n$, am I using $p(\epsilon)$ or $g(\theta)$ when finding the integrating factor?

Best Answer

$y'=\epsilon y-\theta y^3$ is a separable ODE. Just integrate $dx=\frac{dy}{\epsilon y-\theta y^3}$ to solve it.

Considering it as a Bernoulli ODE will finally lead to the same integral. But you can do it anyway.

$v'+2v\epsilon=2\theta$ is a classical first order linear ODE

The solution of the related homogeneous ODE $v'+2v\epsilon=0$ is $v=c e^{-2\epsilon x}$

So, the change of function $v(x)=f(x)e^{-2\epsilon x}$ into $v'+2v\epsilon=2\theta$ will lead to a separable ODE of the simplest kind.

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