[Math] How to solve this problem with Trapezoidal Rule


The Problem

A hanger is 100 feet long and 40 feet wide. A cross section of the hanger is the inverted catenary $$y = 31 – 10(e^{\large \frac{x}{20}} + e^{\large \frac{-x}{20}} ).$$ Find the number of square feet of roofing on the hanger.

The Process

So I know I need to make use of the arc length equation $\displaystyle\;\int^b_a \sqrt{1+(\frac{df}{dx})^2}\, dx,\;$ but how exactly do find the arc length?

I'm thinking that I can find the arc length, then find the area under the curve with the Trapezoidal rule and then simply multiply it by the length.

Best Answer

You have described precisely one way to do the problem. Calculate the derivative, and write down the expression for arclength, as an integral. This is easy. The derivative is $\frac{1}{2}\left(e^{x/20}-e^{-x/20}\right)$. Square it, add one, take the square root. You need not even simplify. You end up with a somewhat messy function, and want to approximate the integral. That's what the Trapezoidal Rule is for.

Remark: If you were asked to use the Trapezoidal Rule, there is a little joke in the problem. The messy thing that we have to integrate is actually not so messy. In fact it will turn out to be very very nice.

When you square and add $1$, you will get something like $$1+\frac{1}{4}\left((e^{x/20})^2-2+(e^{-x/10})^2\right).$$ Bring to a common denominator, and simplify. We get $$\frac{1}{4}\left(e^{x/20}+e^{-x/20}\right)^2.$$ Now we can actually take the square root, and get something that integrates quite nicely.

So we really don't need the Trapezoidal Rule! However, for most functions $f(x)$, if you take the derivative, square, add $1$, take the square root, you will get something that cannot be integrated in elementary terms. In that kind of case, we really do need a numerical method to approximate the integral.

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