[Math] How to solve this problem involving the LCM of 200 numbers


Evaluate $x$ if:
$$x\cdot\operatorname{lcm}{(102\ldots 200)}=\operatorname{lcm}{(1,2,\ldots 200)}$$

Here's what I have so far,

LEMMA 1: In any set of $n$ consecutive positive integers, there must be atleast one number divisible by $n$.


LEMMA 3:If $a\mid b$ then,

$$A=\{1,2 \ldots 200\}$$
$$B=\{102,103\ldots 200\}$$

Now, $B$ contains 99 integers.

So, there must be subsets of $B$ with $k$ consecutive integers for all $1\leq k\leq 99$.

So for each such $k$, using Lemma 1, there is a
$$l: k\mid l$$

Therefore, using Lemma 2:


Now, using Lemma 3,


So, doing this with all the $k$, we can conclude that,

$$\operatorname{lcm}{(1,2\ldots 200)}=\operatorname{lcm}{(100,101,102\ldots 200)}$$

Trivially, we can remove the 100 as 200 is divisible by it.

So, the original equation becomes:
$$ x=\dfrac{\operatorname{lcm}{(101,102\ldots 200)}}{\operatorname{lcm}{(102,103\ldots 200)}}$$

Thus, I conclude $\boxed{x=101}$.
Is this proof correct?
(Any proof writing tips are also appreciated. I have no experience writing number theoretic proofs)

Best Answer

This is correct. It is easier to note that all the numbers from $1$ to $100$ have a multiple in the range $102-200$ so they don't contribute to the LCM

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