[Math] How to solve this integral with dirac delta functions

definite integralsdirac deltaimproper-integralsintegration

How to get rid of the derivative ? and for the second function i wrote it as $\delta\left\{(t-4)(t+4)\right\}$ and then substitute $t-4=u$ but after that i'm again getting a squared function inside, i don't know how to get rid of it either.

Best Answer

i believe These two will get the job done

$$\delta(t^{2}-a^{2})= \dfrac{1}{2|a|} \left \{\delta(t-a)+\delta(t+a ) \right \}\tag{1}$$

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x(t).\delta^{n}(t-t_0)dt=(-1)^{n} \left \{ \dfrac{d^{n}}{dt^{n}}x(t)\Big{|}_{t=t_0} \right \}\tag{2}$$