[Math] How to solve this arithmetic question


The sum of 5 consecutive terms of an arithmetic series is 30 and the sum of the squares of these terms is 220. Find the terms.

Best Answer


As the number of terms is odd, let the middle $\left(\frac{5+1}2=3\text{rd}\right)$ term be $a$

So, the $5$ terms will be $a,a\pm d,a\pm 2d$

So, $(a-2d)+(a-d)+a+(a+d)+(a+2d)=30\implies 5a=30\implies a=6$

and $(a-2d)^2+(a-d)^2+a^2+(a+d)^2+(a+2d)^2=220$

$\implies a^2+2\{a^2+d^2\}+2\{a^2+(2d)^2\}=220$ as $(A+B)^2+(A-B)^2=2(A^2+B^2)$

$\implies 10d^2=220-5\cdot 6^2=40\implies d^2=4$

Had the number of terms been even, we could take the terms as $a\pm d,a\pm3d,\cdots$