[Math] How to solve Sturm-Liouville problem $y” + (1 + \lambda)y = 0$

ordinary differential equationssturm-liouville

Find all the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Sturm-Lioville problem:
$$y'' + (1 + \lambda)y = 0$$
$$y(0) = y \left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = 0$$
Can someone please tell me how to solve this? Because most of the time, I mostly solve this type of Sturm-Liouville problem $y'' + \lambda y = 0$. And, my book is base on theory more than example. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

The general solution to $y''+(1+\lambda)y=0$ is $y=A\sin(kx)+B\cos(kx)$

where $k^2 = 1 + \lambda$

the condition $y(0) = 0 $ gives $B=0$

then $ y(\frac{\pi}{2})=0$ requires that k be an even integer $k=2n$

So for every positive integer $n$

$y_n = A \sin (2nx)$

$\lambda_n = 4n^2 -1$