[Math] How to solve Sturm Liouville problem $y′′+\lambda y=0$

ordinary differential equations

I have the Sturm-Liouville problem
$$y''(t) + \lambda\ y(t) = 0,\hspace{1cm} y(0) = y(\pi) = 0.$$

When I reach the case where $$\Delta < 0\ \implies \lambda > 0$$
I find
$$y(t) = C_1 \cos( \lambda^{\frac{1}{2}} t) + C_2 \sin( \lambda^{\frac{1}{2}} t),$$
and both coefficients $C_1$ and $C_2$ are equal to zero.

How to solve this problem, meaning that I need to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions?

Best Answer

Since $C_1 = 0$ follows from the first boundary condition, we have $$y(\pi) = 0 = C_2 \sin(\sqrt{\lambda}\pi) \implies \sqrt{\lambda}\pi = n\pi \implies \lambda = n^2 \quad (\text{for } n = 1, 2, \ldots).$$ Now you can find the eigenfunctions because $$y(t) = C_2 \sin(\sqrt{\lambda}t) = C_2 \sin(nt).$$ Note that the case $n = 0$ needs to be studied separately. Just plug in $\lambda = 0$ in the ODE and see what you get. Also, see this related question.

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