[Math] How to solve second degree recurrence relation


For first degree recurence relation it is as simple as $f(n)=a^n\cdot f(0)+b\dfrac{a^n-1}{a-1}$.

But how do you solve second degree?

For example

1,&\text{for }n=1\\
2,&\text{for }n=2\\
-3f(n-1)+4f(n-2),&\text{for }n>2\;.

I tried googling "How to solve second degree recurrence relation?" but it gave me solutions only for first degree and some other random stuff.

Best Answer

Associated with the recurrence $f(n)=-3f(n-1)+4f(n-2)$ is a so-called characteristic equation, $x^2=-3x+4$. Its coefficients are the same as the coefficients of the recurrence, and the powers of $x$ are chosen so that the smallest exponent is $0$, associated with the smallest argument of $f$, which in this case is $n-2$; the exponents then increase in step with the arguments of $f$, so that exponent $1$ goes with $(n-2)+1=n-1$, and exponent $2$ goes with $(n-2)+2=n$.

Now solve the auxiliary equation: $x^2+3x-4=0$, $(x+4)(x-1)=0$, $x=-4$ or $x=1$.

There is a general theorem that says that when the roots are distinct, as they are here, the general solution to the recurrence has the form

$$f(n)=Ar_1^n+Br_2^n\;,$$ where $r_1$ and $r_2$ are the two roots. Thus, for this recurrence the general solution is $$f(n)=A(-4)^n+B\cdot1^n=A(-4)^n+B\;.\tag{1}$$

$(1)$ gives all solutions to the recurrence $f(n)=-3f(n-1)+4f(n-2)$, for all possible initial values of $f(1)$ and $f(2)$. To determine which values of $A$ and $B$ correspond to your particular initial values, substitute $n=1$ and $n=2$ into $(1)$. For $n=1$ you get $$1=f(1)=A(-4)+B\;,$$ and for $n=2$ you get $$2=f(2)=A(-4)^2+B\;.$$

Now you have a system of two equations in two unknowns,

$$\left\{\begin{align*} &-4A+B=1\\ &16A+B=2\;. \end{align*}\right.$$

Solve this system for $A$ and $B$, substitute these values into $(1)$, and you have your general solution. (I get $A=\frac1{20}$ and $B=\frac65$.)

Note that if the the roots $r_1$ and $r_2$ of the characteristic equation are equal, say $r_1=r_2=r$, the general solution is a little different:

$$f(n)=Ar^n+Bnr^n\;.$$ However, you solve for the particular $A$ and $B$ in the same way.