[Math] How to solve quadratic equations when the coefficients are complex and real

complex numberspolynomialsquadratics

I needed to solve this: $$x^2 + (2i-3)x + 2-4i = 0 $$

I tried the quadratic formula but it didn't work. So how do I solve this without "guessing" roots? If I guess $x=2$ it works; then I can divide the polynomial and find the other root; but I can't "guess" a root.

$b^2-4ac=4i-3$, now I have to work with $\sqrt{4-3i}$ which I don't know how. Apparently $4i-3$ is equal to $(1+2i)^2$, but I don't know how to get to this answer, so I am stuck.

Best Answer

The thing that seems to be problematic is solving $$ (x + iy)^2 = u + iv $$ for given real numbers $u,v,$ and $v \neq 0.$

The equations for real numbers that we get to use are $$ \color{red}{x^2 - y^2 = u}, $$ $$ \color{red}{2xy = v}, $$ $$ \color{red}{x^2 + y^2 = \sqrt {u^2 + v^2}}. $$ The third one is about the magnitude of complex numbers. So $$ 2 x^2 = \sqrt {u^2 + v^2} + u, $$ $$ 2 y^2 = \sqrt {u^2 + v^2} - u, $$ while we need to be careful about $\pm$ signs because we need $2xy = v.$

Define real number $$ w = \sqrt {u^2 + v^2}, $$ so that $$ w > |u| \geq 0. $$ Note that both $$ w + u > 0, $$ $$ w - u > 0. $$

Here I have made the choice to present the solution with $x > 0.$ There is a second solution, negate both $x,y.$ One solution is, when $v > 0,$ $$ \color{blue}{ x = \sqrt { \frac{w + u}{2} }, \; \; \; y = \sqrt { \frac{w - u}{2} }} $$

when $v < 0,$ $$ \color{blue}{ x = \sqrt { \frac{w + u}{2} }, \; \; \; y = - \sqrt { \frac{w - u}{2} }} $$

We can combine the two expressions if we include the signum function, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_function
$$ \color{magenta}{ x = \sqrt { \frac{w + u}{2} }, \; \; \; y = \left( \operatorname{sgn} v \right) \sqrt { \frac{w - u}{2} }} $$

For your problem, $$ u + iv = -3 + 4i, $$ so $u = -3,$ $v = 4,$ and $v > 0.$ Then $w = \sqrt {4^2 + 3^2} = 5.$

when $v > 0,$ $$ \color{blue}{ x = \sqrt { \frac{5 + (-3)}{2} }, \; \; \; y = \sqrt { \frac{5 - (-3)}{2} }}, $$ $$ x = \sqrt 1, \; \; \; y = \sqrt 4 $$