Number Theory – How to Solve Inhomogeneous Quadratic Forms in Integers

diophantine equationsnumber theoryquadratic-forms

If I have a quadratic form like $y^2 – x^2 – x = k$ none of the techniques I know work because of the nasty $x$. Note that homogenizing doesn't work because a solution of $Y^2 – X^2 – X Z = k Z^{(2)}$ does not lead to a solution of the original equation in integers, at least as far as I have been able to determine.

How does one understand the solution set of these equation? How can I solve them?

Best Answer

Over 200 years ago Lagrange solved the general binary quadratic Diophatine equation

$$\rm a\ x^2 + b\ xy + c\ y^2 + d\ x + e\ y + f = 0 $$

It reduces to a Pell equation: put $\rm\ D = b^2-4ac,\ E = bd-2ae,\ F = d^2-4af\:.\ $ Then

$$\rm D\ Y^2\ =\ (D\ y + E)^2 + D\ F - E^2,\quad\quad Y\ =\ 2ax + by + d $$

Therefore if we put $\rm\quad\ \ X = D\ y + E,\quad\ \ N = E^2 - D\ F\quad\ \ $ we have the Pell equation

$$\rm X^2 - D\ Y^2\ =\ N $$

Dario Alpern has a web page Quadratic two integer variable equation solver that will solve any such equation - with complete descriptions of the methods involved. For some recent optimizations of Lagrange's algorithm see this paper H. C. Williams et al. A new look at an old equation.

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