[Math] How to solve complex number equation: $z^5=\bar z$

complex numbers

I'm trying to solve this complex number equation: $$z^5=\bar z$$
As far as I understand, every complex number $z$ should be written in trigonometric form: $$r^5(\cos(5\phi) + i\sin(5\phi)) = r(\cos(-\phi) + i\sin(-\phi))$$

Unfortunately, at this moment, I'm stacked. Could you give some ideas that would help me to solve it?

Best Answer

Note that:

$$z = re^{i\phi}, z^5 = r^5 e^{i5\phi}~\text{and}~\bar{z} = re^{-i\phi},$$

where $r \geq 0$. Therefore:

$$z^5 = \bar{z} \Rightarrow \begin{cases} r^5 = r\\ 5\phi + 2k\pi= -\phi + 2h\pi \end{cases},$$

where $k, h \in \mathbb{Z}.$

The previous system can be rewritten as: $$ \begin{cases} r(r^4-1) = 0\\ 6\phi = 2s\pi \end{cases},$$

where $s = k-h \in \mathbb{Z}.$

The first equation has $3$ distinct roots: $r=-1$, $r=0$ and $r=1.$ Of course, $r=-1$ should be discarded. This means that for $r=0$, $z = 0$ is a solution, which obviously does not depend on the phase $\phi.$ Moreover, for $r=1$, the phase is important. Solving the second equation, we get:

$$\phi = \frac{s\pi}{3},$$

and hence $z = e^{\frac{is\pi}{3}}$ for $s \in \mathbb{Z}$, together with $z=0$ represent the solution of the equation.

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