[Math] how to solve a system with more equations than unkowns

linear algebra

In general, how do you solve a system with more equations than unknowns? I know that if I select the equations to match them with the number of unknowns, there may be zero or many solutions depending on our selection. Where can I go from there? And how does a "pseudo inverse" come in the picture? Thank you. -Cody

EDIT: I know overdetermined system usually have no solution, but in my case (triangulation matting, i.e filtering out the weatherman from the blue screen), I was told there is a solution and I need to find it using pseudo inverse.

Best Answer

I'm assuming you're referring to linear equations.

Although the linear system of equations $Ax = b$ might not have a solution when the system is overdetermined, you can always find a least-squares solution

$$\min_x \|Ax-b\|^2.$$

If the minimum value is $0$, a minimizer $x$ is a solution to the system. Otherwise, $x$ is the "closest possible" solution, in the sense of minimizing the residual error, to a system that has no solution.

To find a minimizer $x$, you take a derivative and set it equal to 0:

$$A^TAx -A^Tb = 0.$$

The matrix $A^TA$ might be singular, but $A^Tb$ always lies in its column space so this system always has a solution. You can find one such solution by calculating $x = A^{+}b$, where $A^{+}$ is the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of $A$.

So to find a solution to your overdetermined system, one approach is to compute(*) the pseudoinverse $A^{+}$, then calculate $x = A^{+}b$. You can check if $Ax=b$ to see if your overdetermined system did in fact have a solution.

(*): My favorite method, in terms of robustness and efficiency, for computing the pseudoinverse is to use the QR decomposition of $A$. The details are beyond the scope of this answer, but worth looking up if you're interested.

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