[Math] How to solve a large system of linear algebra

linear algebrapuzzlesystems of equations

A friend has given me the following puzzle to solve, however, I lack the linear algebra knowledge to calculate the solution, and my attempts to brute force the solution have been foiled by a large number of combinations.

The Problem:

Every letter in the alphabet is assigned a whole number from $1-26$. No two letters have the same number. Below is a list of $44$ words and the value of their letters added up. For example, if $O=11$, $H=23$, $I=2$, OHIO would equal $11+23+2+11 = 47$ (these values are not necessarily correct).

enter image description here

find the value of ALBUQUERQUE (added in the same manner).
Thanks for any solutions or ideas.

Best Answer

To solve it by hand you need to look for words that have similar sets of letters. Using OREGON and RENO you know $G+O=28$. It's too bad they didn't give you ARKANSAS. RENO and NOME give $M=R+3$. Can you find $D+A-O=17?$ MONTGOMERY and MONTEREY are interesting. It is supposed to be a certain amount of work.

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