[Math] How to simplify or calculate a formula with very big factorials

approximationbig numbersbinomial-coefficients

I'm facing a practical problem where I've calculated a formula that, with the help of some programming, can bring me to my final answer. However, the numbers involved are so big that it takes ages to compute, and I think it might not be necessary. I have the following formula,

$\sum\limits^{k}_{i=m}(N-i)^{k-i}(\frac{1}{N})^k\frac{k!}{(k-i)!i!} \leq a$

from which I need to calculate N. The rest of the values are constants, but in the range of the 100,000s. The factorial there is giving me a headache, since the values involved are too large; what simplifications could I make that will loosen the bounds slightly and thereby simplify the calculation? Are there any standard tricks? Or perhaps a way to calculate this in matlab / octave?

Best Answer

You need Stirling's approximation. It is very accurate for large factorials.

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