[Math] How to simplify nested cubic radicals $\sqrt[3]{a+b\sqrt c}$


While trying to answer this question, I got stuck showing that


The identity is easy to show if you already know the $2+\sqrt{3}$ part; just cube the thing. If you don't know this, however, I am unsure how one would proceed.

That got me thinking …

If you have some quadratic surd $a+b\sqrt{c}$, where $a$, $b$, and $c$ are integers, and $c$ is not a perfect square, how do you find out if that surd is the cube of some other surd, i.e. how to simplify nested cubic radicals of the form
$$\sqrt[3]{a+b\sqrt c}$$

Best Answer

As has been mentioned this is simply solved since it denests already in the field generated by the radicand. Generally this is not true, but there is a general denesting structure theorem that applies. Here's an extract from my Sep 15 post on denesting radicals.

DENESTING STRUCTURE THEOREM$\;\; \;$ Let $\rm\; F \;$ be a real field and $\rm\; F' = F(q_1^{1/d1},\ldots,q_k^{1/dk}) \;$ be a real radical extension of $\rm\; F \;$ of degree $\rm\; n \;$. By $\rm\; B = \{b_0,\ldots, b_{n-1}\}$ denote the standard basis of $\rm\; F' \;$ over $\rm\; F \;$. If $\rm\; r \;$ is in $\rm\; F' \;$ and $\rm\; d \;$ is a positive integer such that $\rm\; r^{1/d} \;$ denests over $\rm\; F \;$ using only real radicals, that is, $\rm\; r^{1/d} \;$ is in $\rm\; F(a_1^{1/t_1},\ldots,a_m^{1/t_m}) \;$ for some positive integers $\rm\; t_i \;$ and positive $\rm\; a_i \in F \;$, then there exists a nonzero $\rm\; q \in F \;$ and a $\rm\; b \in B \;$ such that $\rm\; (q b r)^{1/d} \in F' \;$.

I.e. multiplying the radicand by a $\rm\; q \;$ in the base field $\rm\; F \;$ and a power product $\rm\; b \;=\; q_1^{e_1/d_1}\cdots q_k^{e_k/d_k} \;$ we can normalize any denesting so that it denests in the field defined by the radicand. E.g.

$$ \sqrt{\sqrt[3]5 - \sqrt[3]4} \;\;=\; \frac{1}3 (\sqrt[3]2 + \sqrt[3]{20} - \sqrt[3]{25})$$ normalises to $$ \sqrt{18\ (\sqrt[3]10 - 2)} \;\;=\; 2 + 2\ \sqrt[3]{10} - \sqrt[3]{10}^2 $$

An example with nontrivial $\rm\:b$

$$ \sqrt{12 + 5\ \sqrt 6} \;\;=\; (\sqrt 2 + \sqrt 3)\ 6^{1/4} $$

normalises to

$$ \sqrt{\frac{1}3 \sqrt{6}\: (12 + 5\ \sqrt 6)} \;\;=\; 2 + \sqrt{6} $$

See said post for further details and references.

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