[Math] How to simplify in writing $[1, \infty) \cap [2, \infty) \cap [3, \infty) \ldots $ , in Real Analysis


I know the answer to this very basic question in plain language but I want to know the right way to say it in real analysis:

\text{If} \ A_t &= \{x \mid t \leq x\}, \\
\bigcap_{t \in \mathbb N}A_t &= [1, \infty) \cap [2, \infty) \cap [3, \infty) \ldots \\
&= \ldots

Which one should be the correct answer here?
(1) $[n, \infty)$, where $n = \max \ \mathbb N$
(2) $[n, \infty)$, where $n = \sup \ \mathbb N$
(3) $(\infty, \infty)$.

Thank you very much for your time.

Best Answer

Actually, none of those options are correct, since $\Bbb N$ is unbounded neither $\max\Bbb N$ nor $\sup\Bbb N$ exist. In fact,

$$\bigcap_{n\in\Bbb N}[n,\infty)=\emptyset.$$

The notation $(\infty,\infty)$ can be considered correct I suppose, but $(\infty,\infty)=\emptyset$.

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