[Math] How to show that $f: [0,1) \to S^1$, $f(t) = (\cos(2\pi t), \sin(2\pi t))$ is not a homeomorphism


We have a unit circle with subspace topology induced from $\mathbb{R}^2$

How do I show that $f: [0,1) \to S^1$, $f(t) = (\cos(2\pi t), \sin(2\pi t))$ is not a homeomorphism?

So we have two topological spaces, $\mathbb{R}$ with the standard topology and unit circle with subspace topology induced from $\mathbb{R}^2$.

I know that a homeomorphism is bijective, continuous, and its inverse is continuous.

It looks to me that f is continuous, and bijective. So then the inverse is not continuous. Im just not sure what the inverse of f is?

Best Answer

Hint You should be able to use the fact that if you remove any point from $S^1$, the remaining space is connected. The same is not true for $[0,1)$.

If you want to use the inverse, note that $$\lim_{t \to 0^+} f(t)=\lim_{t \to 1^-}f(t)=f(0)=(1,0) \,. $$

Can you deduce from here that $f^{-1}$ cannot be continuous at $(1,0)$?