Galois Theory – Proving Prime Degree Separable Field Extension is Galois and Cyclic


Let $F$ be a field and let $E/F$ be a separable extension, with $[E:F]=p$, a prime. Given a primitive $\alpha_1\in E$ with $F(\alpha_1)=E$. Let $\alpha_2\neq \alpha_1$ denote one of the $p$ conjugates of $\alpha$ (in an algebraic closure). If $\alpha_2\in F(\alpha_1)$, I want to show that $E$ is Galois and that $Gal(E/F)$ is cyclic.

Does this just follow by noting that there is an automorphism of $F$ that sends $\alpha_1$ to $\alpha_2$ and deducing that this extends to an automorphism of the closure, which then must send $\alpha_2$ to $\alpha_3$, and so on? And this automorphism must have degree $p$ and so must be cyclic? I feel like I'm missing something.

Best Answer

Yes, the argument (essentially) works. Let me phrase it in a more careful way, without any assumption on the degree. Let $F_i:=E(\alpha_i)$ and view the $E_i$ as subfields of their Galois closure. There is an equivalence relation on the roots, namely, $\alpha_i \sim \alpha_j$ if $F_i = F_j$. The Galois group $G \subseteq S_n$ acts on the roots, and preserves this equivalence. In particular, either

  1. No two roots generate the same field

  2. All the roots generate the same field (and thus $F$ is Galois of degree $n$).

  3. $G$ is an imprimitive subgroup of $S_n$ (i.e. preserves a non-trivial decomposition of $1,\ldots n$). This is clear, because the decomposition is given explicitly by the equivalence relation. In particular, this implies that $G$ is a subgroup of $S_A$ wreath $S_B$ for some $A,B \ne 1$ with $n = AB$.

If $n$ is prime, then, since $G$ acts transitively, 3 cannot occur, so "not 1" implies 2.

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