[Math] How to show a set spans a space

linear algebra

I've just started working with abstract algebra, and while the theory makes some sense, I have a bit of trouble figuring out the actual methods to complement the theory.

For example, a base for a space is a set which spans the set, and is linearly independent. I know how to show lineare independence (solve equation and confirm that the solution set is $\{0, 0, \ldots, 0\}$)$\ldots$ but how does one show that a set "spans" a space?

There are a few examples in the book where it just says "these two vectors span the space because I can write any vector in the space as a linear combination with these two; obviously", but how would one show this when working with a base that doesn't "obviously" span the space?

Best Answer

There are two main approaches. One is to take an arbitrary nonzero vector, say $(a,b)$ in $\Bbb R^2$ and show you can express it in terms of your basis. The second is to know the theorem that if you have as many vectors as the dimension of the space and they are linearly independent, they span the space. This only works for finite dimensional spaces.