[Math] How to set up this differential equation?

calculusordinary differential equations

I am trying to tutor some students in differential equations and I am a little rusty. They presented me with this problem a TA did and I'm trying to help them understand it. It says "A population of bacteria grows at a rate proportional to its size. Write and solve a differential equation that expresses this. If there are 1000 bacteria after one hour and 2000 bacteria after two hours, how many bacteria are there after 3 hours?" Any help with this I'm really lost on this one.

Best Answer

Let $P$ be the population size. This grows with time and so can be thought of as a function of time. If the growth of the population is proportional to the size of the population then $$ \frac{\operatorname{d}\!P}{\operatorname{d}\!t} \propto P$$ What does this mean? Well, it means that there exists some fixed number, say $k$ for which $$\frac{\operatorname{d}\!P}{\operatorname{d}\!t} = kP$$ We can solve this differential equation by "seperation of variables". Dividing by $P$ and then multiplying throught by $\operatorname{d}\!t$ gives $$\frac{1}{P}\operatorname{d}\!P = k\operatorname{d}\!t$$ Does this remind you of anything? It reminds me of an integral: $$\int \frac{1}{P}\operatorname{d}\!P = \int k\operatorname{d}\!t $$ We can perform the integrations on both sides to give $$\ln \left|P\right| = kt+C$$ It follows that $\left|P\right| = \operatorname{e}^{kt+C} \equiv \operatorname{e}^{kt}\times \operatorname{e}^C$. Dropping the modulus gives $P = \pm\operatorname{e}^{kt}\times \operatorname{e}^C$. Since $C$ was a random constant, positive or negative, we can relabel $\pm\operatorname{e}^C$ as a random constant, say $\rho$. Hence $$P = \rho\operatorname{e}^{kt}$$ Use your initial conditions to set up two equation to solve for $\rho$ and $k$.

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