[Math] How to select convergence criterion in numerical analysis

convergence-divergencenumerical methods

When doing old exams in basic numerical analysis, I encountered this problem:

enter image description here

Solution proposal from lecturer:
enter image description here

My idea was to select $|f(x)| \le 0.5 \times 10^{-5}$ as the convergence criterion. With this criterion, $x=0.652910$ would have been accepted as a root. When looking at the solution, it seems like the convergence criterion is way smaller.

What is the correct way of selecting convergence criterion using the Bisection, Newton-Raphson or Fixed-Point Iterative method for the given problem?

Best Answer

You are asked to find $r$ to 6 decimals, but your proposal only ensures that $f(r)$ is correct to 6 decimals. You are calculating successive approximations to $r$ ($x_0,x_1,\cdots$). Plot $x_i$ vs. $i$: you should be able to see it converge, and identify a point beyond which you are confident that you have approximated the limit value to 6 decimal points.

Besides, your answer is as good as correct.

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